How to Overcome Overwhelm
The other day, I received a message from a client that began with, “I have so much on my plate right now and I have no idea how I’m going to get it all done, let alone keep going at this pace…”
I don’t know about you, but I’m very familiar with the feeling…
Stressed with all the to-do’s that feel incredibly important.
Anxious about how I’m going to get it all done and done well.
Overwhelmed with all the pressure of entrepreneurship.
When we’re in a state of overwhelm, it’s easy to let fear in the driver's seat of our minds and head 90 mph into the dangerous territory of survival mode. Here, we operate on adrenaline and cortisol, totally losing touch with our creativity and joy as our minds seek out all the potential threats in order to stay “safe.”
Personally, I don’t care to live my life from that place. I want to enjoy my work, my relationships, and hobbies. I want to thrive and grow.
Whatever we actively look for, we’ll find, and if we want to thrive in our lives and businesses we have to shift out of survival mode. We have to learn how to master our minds, regulate our bodies, and overcome our overwhelm.
I know how real that pressure can feel when you’re in the midst of it, and I also know you don’t have to live like that in order to be successful and thrive in your business. There is a way out that isn’t packing up your entire life and running away from it all to live in the Tuscan countryside and work at an organic agriturismo. Not that I’ve ever thought of doing that or anything… 😉
Below are ways I overcome overwhelm, get back into thrive mode, and enjoy my life and my business:
1. Get present.
Try this now: Get in a comfortable position, gently close your eyes, and take a really deep breath. Bring your awareness to your physical body, noticing any sensations or feelings. Take 10 slow deep breaths and as you do, do a full body scan from the top of your head all the way down to your toes. If you notice yourself holding any tension, relax it as you exhale.
Now, how do you feel? More relaxed? More open minded? More capable?
Slowing down our minds and bodies by practicing presence and awareness helps us to get into a more parasympathetic state. This state is where we can optimize our attention, creativity, and problem solving skills.
It also puts things in perspective. Overwhelm gets really loud when our minds are attempting to predict the future or replay the past. If we can get ourselves into the present we’re better able to see exactly where we are and what we need in that moment.
2. Create Routines.
The word discipline may not feel like a positive word, but it’s one of the best ways we exercise self-love and care.
When we get busy, the things we tend to drop first are our own self-care routines. And I’m not talking about self-care in terms of bubble baths and expensive wellness trends. I’m talking about how you take care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s a sign that you need to put more focus on the routines that support the best version of you.
When we have a lot on our plate we have to be really conscientious of how we’re spending our time. This also means we have to be firm with our boundaries.
When I enter a busy season of work, I know in order for me to show up well and do a good job, I have to be disciplined with my time and energy. In order to do that, I have to put boundaries in place. The majority of those boundaries are with myself.
I exercise discipline with my routines, lessen the amount of time I’m on social media, go to bed earlier, and make very intentional choices with how I’m nourishing my body. I also limit what I say yes to and ask for help by outsourcing things that I don’t love to do.
The most surprising thing about doing this is seeing how much time I really do have in my days. It makes that long list of important to-do’s feel incredibly manageable.
Make a list of all the things that help you feel focused, healthy, energetic, and positive. What routines do you need to put into place in order for you to show up well right now? What boundaries do you need to impose on yourself so you can take advantage of the time you do have?
3. Remember how capable you really are.
When we get overwhelmed, we often forget how capable we are in our lives. One common theme I notice in myself and my clients who are overwhelmed are the narratives that are on repeat:
I don’t have time for all of this...
I’ve got too much on my plate and am miserable...
I’m so stressed out!
Regardless of what you have on your plate, repeating those statements over and over again, to yourself and out loud to others, are in no way helpful. Time and energy are two of our most valuable resources and when you’re repeating those negative phrases you’re wasting both.
Overthinking and worrying take up precious time that could be spent showing up, enjoying your work, and accomplishing your tasks. Begin to notice when those thoughts are on a loop and then consciously decide what you want the story to be and change your narrative:
I have time for what’s most important right now.
I consciously choose what I focus on and what I delegate.
I am capable of accomplishing my tasks well.
When we disrupt our negative thought loops, and shift into a calm more positive mentality, we’re able to approach our daily lives with more peace and proficiency. This also helps us find creative solutions and to remember that we’re supported. For me, this allows me to remember to have faith that God's got me and loves supporting me. It also reminds me that there are amazing people in my life who support me too.
The next time you feel overwhelmed, remember that you’re the creator of your life. You get to decide how you spend your time, what you say yes to, and how you live your days. Take ownership and trust your ability to grow, adapt, and thrive. Rooting for you!
If you’re ready to let go of overwhelm and go through your day with peace and confidence, click here to join the email list and I’ll send you a free copy of my 21-Day Highest Self Guided Journal.