How to Attract More Abundance with A Money Vision


In his book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill says, "Each of us is what we are because of the dominating thoughts we permit to occupy our minds."

Our thoughts create our reality, and the stories we tell ourselves (unconsciously and consciously) are what end up playing out in our daily lives. We don’t have control over a lot of things in life, but thankfully we do have control over what stories we allow to take root and flourish in our minds on a consistent basis.

When I work with clients on their abundant money mindset, we often start out with their current story or limiting beliefs. I’ll ask them, “Do you believe you’re worthy of experiencing the amount of abundance you crave? Or are you operating out of old, negative programming and a scarcity mindset?”

A few months ago, one of my Lean In & Level Up Mastermind clients was working on her abundant mindset. We worked through her limiting beliefs and old stories, created a new story, and she began really stepping into her abundant energy.

She got super specific with what she wanted, going so far as to write in her journal the specific type of work she wanted and how much money she wanted to make in a month. Later that day, she got an email from a dream client wanting to hire her for the exact amount she wrote down. 

Both of our minds were absolutely blown! It’s truly incredible what can happen when we begin reprogramming our mindsets towards abundance. 

Which leads me to ask you, what is your abundance story like right now? And is that what you want to play out in your daily life?

Once you dive into your old story and limiting beliefs, you can create a new money story. Which is exactly what I'm going to walk you through here.

Understand What Money Really Is.

I’m going to be open with you, if I don’t stay intentional with my mindset, I'll put too much importance on money. Our culture worships money and this actually can be detrimental for an abundance mindset. It’s not holy and it’s not evil.

Money is energy you exchange for things you value. It’s meant to flow in and out. It’s a tool and a resource that can be very helpful. Nothing more, nothing less. And whether you really believe it yet or not, there's an abundance of it available.

I love the Parable of the Talents as an example for this. If you’re not familiar with that story, it’s about a man going on a long trip and he gives 3 of his servants different amounts of money to take care of while he is gone. He gave one, $5k, another $2k, and the third $1k.

The first two, went to work and used those investments, and as a result they both ended up doubling the original investments. The third, afraid of making a mistake and losing it, decided to bury it to keep it safe.

When the owner came back and saw how the first two had doubled his investment he was so proud, he ended up giving them more abundance to take care of as a result of their work.

The third one didn’t get so lucky. The owner was pretty furious at how he played it safe out of fear and buried it. So he fired him, and gave his 1k to one of the other’s who’d used theirs wisely.

Money is a resource that’s meant to be used.

Get Specific with How Much Money You Want to Bring In.

Our subconscious mind loves and needs specificity. The more specific you can get the better. In my mastermind, I ask each client to write out a specific money script that details how much they make and how they make it. I recommend starting with an amount that feels like an uncomfortable stretch from where you are right now. This is a fun way to increase the amount of proof for your subconscious.

I remember the first time Eric and I met with our financial advisor. We were talking about our goals and he helped us break down exactly what we needed to be saving each month in order to hit those. 

I did the math and realized that if we wanted to be able to save that amount each month, then we’d have to make double the income we were currently bringing in.

I wasn’t sure exactly HOW we were going to do that, but we kept that number in mind and we both went to work. Exactly one year later, we hit that number for the first time and then, it became our average monthly income. 

So think about how much money you want to see come in. Be specific. What amount do you see coming into your business? How much money is in your bank account? What do your investments look like? How do you feel seeing those numbers?

Get specific and then, find ways to open up viable avenues for that abundance.

Create Avenues for Abundance.

In Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay, Compensation, he states that “Each person is compensated in like manner for that which he or she has contributed.” Bob Proctor teaches the Law of Compensation that includes 3 points:

  1. The need for what you do,

  2. Your ability to do it, and 

  3. The difficulty there is in replacing you.

If you want to bring in more abundance, you have to contribute something. This goes back to money is energy we exchange for things we value. There are quite a few different ways we can make money. It’s amazing when we can do what we love and feel a sense of purpose in, and create financial abundance.

So how can you serve others with your gifts, a product, and/or service? What problems do you help others solve?

My clients who experience the most financial abundance do so by serving others in a really purposeful way. They show up fully, sell with conviction, and are changing lives as a result. It’s really fun to watch, because although they work hard, they also experience flow and ease while bringing in more abundance.

Express Gratitude for What You Have Now and the Abundance Coming Your Way.

Start your money vision by expressing gratitude for the abundance you already have in your life. When you’re in a state of gratitude it helps you see opportunities for abundance throughout the day. Our states drastically impact our actions, and feeling grateful will help you take action with confidence.

Plus, when you steward and appreciate what you have right NOW, not only will you be given more, you’ll also actually appreciate it for all it’s worth.

List out the things you have right now that you’re grateful for so you can get into that state, and then write out your money vision by stating:

“I’m so happy and grateful I have (what work you have/what you want to have coming in). I see (a specific amount) in my bank account and I’m filled with so much gratitude and excitement. I hear (specific things clients say/things your team says)….. I see (specific notifications/messages/your environment/etc)….. I’m (specific things you’re doing and taking action on)….. I feel (specific emotions).....” 

Spend some time writing this out, make sure it aligns with your values, and then place it somewhere you will see it daily.

Your mind is so powerful and absolutely impacts the reality you live out each day. You are worthy and capable of so much abundance. Start applying this, visualize yourself living this out every day, and keep an eye out for opportunities to come your way!

If you want a step-by-step guide to reprogram your mind for more abundance, get your copy of Master Your Mindset today by clicking here. In it, I teach you my signature JAVA Method for reprogramming your mind so you can experience things like this:


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