Do Your Fears Get Louder When This Happens?

Two days after my client had just hit a major goal in her business she asked me, “Why are my fears louder than ever right now?”

Have you ever been in a really great place in your life, where everything flowed smoothly, and you finally felt like all of your hard work was starting to pay off?

Maybe your business hit a major milestone.

Maybe you experienced the type of financial abundance you've been working towards.

Or maybe you received some incredible recognition for the impact you're having on the world.

And while you're grateful and proud of yourself and your team, you also have this sense of fear bubbling to the surface.

It's easy to assume that fear only gets loud right before we step out into new territory where the risk of failure is high, but fear doesn't discriminate. In fact, we're wired for it. When we remember its primary goal - to keep you safe and alive - it's easier to understand that fear is going to get loud anytime we experience desired growth and expansion.

Just like failure, success has its own risks and fear loves to highlight those. With more success often comes more pressure. This might be in the form of other people's livelihoods relying on you, having more eyes on you, and having to make a lot of weighty decisions. Our fear will get louder even when things are aligning beautifully, in an attempt to keep us “safe” in our comfort zones.

Maybe you picked up the idea that the only way to really succeed was to suffer greatly first. So anytime you experience ease and abundance, you feel like it must be wrong and it will get taken away from you.

Maybe you feel guilty for wanting so much out of life, so you unconsciously water down your desires to avoid being “too much.”

Maybe you grew up believing that success was for other people, so that when you do experience it, it unconsciously feels like putting shoes on the wrong feet.

I'm not sure what the belief behind the fear is for YOU. But with a little introspection, I bet you’ll know.

Fears and limiting beliefs are sneaky. You’ll think you’ve kicked one to the curb, only for it to resurface in a new way at your next level of growth.

When we feel those familiar fears come up, we're tempted to avoid, shrink, and hide (self-sabotage, anyone?) This is why mindset work is so important. It allows us to get out of our own way and navigate our fears smoothly, as we expand our dreams.

My client faced her fears head on, so she was able to break out of her old self-sabotaging patterns, and navigate this new level of success with confidence and grace. Even though her fears were still present, they were sitting quietly in the back seat while she was now behind the wheel.

She was able to step up to lead fully, while actually enjoying the process.

Mindset work is a lifelong process. It’s so important for us to have the tools to help us work through our fears and limiting beliefs, so they don’t run your life and determine your outcomes.

If you’re feeling fearful, uncertain, and have an urge to hide, I want to encourage you to get curious about what mental program is operating under the surface. I hope you’ll lean into the discomfort and choose to keep showing up fully.



If you're ready to take your life and business to the next level, without stress and burnout, it's time for you to seriously prioritize your mindset. Let's work together on that! Click the link below and apply for a call where you and I can talk through all the details to see if it would be a good fit. I'm so excited to see the growth that's ahead of you!


THIS mindset will cost you. Here's what to do instead…


How to Move Forward When You Feel Limited