3 Tips To Launching With Ease And Abundance
Have you ever gotten really excited about creating a new product, offering, or even business? You feel inspired about this new idea, put your heart and soul into building it, and dream about the potential impact it will have.
Then, when it comes time for you to finally launch it into the world, you get a massive bout of fear and feel completely stressed out by the process. After all, there's so much energy, time, and effort that can go into a launch. Why is that? You're not afraid of hard work, so why is this different?
You know that in order to have the impact and level of success you dream about, you have to share it with the world. At the same time, you don't want to burn yourself out. If you've ever wondered if there's a way to launch without all the stress and overwhelm, I have good news for you: Yes, it's possible and it actually has nothing to do with your strategy.
I remember the first time I launched a program. It was so stressful and exhausting. I thought to myself, “This is not the part of working for myself I enjoy.” At first, I thought it was the strategy. So I went on and tried a few different types of launching. I did masterclasses, a challenge, email funnels, and even talked about it in a chill way on social media.
No matter what strategy I utilized, I either got stressed out and overwhelmed, or I felt like I was playing small and not fully showing up. I finally realized it had nothing to do with my strategy of choice.
How you experience your launch has more to do with your mindset than it does your strategy.
I currently have a few clients who are prepping for a launch (I'm also gearing up for one myself in a few months for something I am super excited to share with you). Supporting them in navigating their launches has highlighted 3 tips that I would also like to share with you:
1. Take ownership over your actions.
Often, when we think about launching, we tend to focus on numbers first. You probably have a specific number of people you hope sign up for your new offer. This is great, as long as you hold these numbers with an open hand and keep them in the back of your mind, rather than allowing them to become the main focus. Having a specific number of people you want to serve is more like having an overall vision for your launch, rather than specific goals.
Outcomes make terrible goals. Instead of focusing on your results, pay more attention to the actions you can take to get those results. Get clear on what showing up fully looks like for you. How can you implement those actions? How many emails are you sending out? What areas can you improve on this time? How do you want to feel when you talk about your offer? How can you support yourself in feeling that? What can you DO in order to feel proud of how you showed up during this launch?
We cannot always control the exact outcome, but we can control how we show up. Let your meter of success be based on how you showed up and took action (aka a growth mindset), and you'll continue to improve as you move forward.
2. Balance your energy.
How you feel physically impacts how you show up and take action, so prioritizing your health and wellbeing during a launch is important. Eat plenty of nutrient dense foods, prioritize sleep, and get outside in nature if you can. If you don't feel good physically, you probably won't show up to the best of your ability.
In addition to your physical energy, you also want to look at balancing your masculine and feminine energy. Just for clarification, I'm not talking about gender here. If you're like, “What the heck does masculine and feminine energy mean..” (I was too when I first heard about this) Let me explain:
Your masculine energy is basically all the “doing” energy. This is the energy you use to set goals, stay focused, get all your tasks done, and show up boldly. This is also the confident energy and self-discipline we use when we're strategizing and planning ahead. Many entrepreneurs I work with (myself included) are accustomed to operating out of this masculine energy.
Your feminine energy is the “being” energy. This looks like being receptive to help, trusting your intuition with your decisions, being creative, adapting to go with the flow if you need to adjust, and leaning into the vulnerability that comes with sharing what you've built with the world.
I tend to lean into my masculine energy more naturally, so I've had to learn how to bring in a little of the feminine energy into how I work. It makes a massive difference and has brought a sense of ease into my process. Having a balance of these is necessary to create abundance in our lives too, so I highly recommend seeing which one you need to lean into a little bit more.
3. Have fun.
Learning to enjoy the process is necessary for long term success. You can take your work seriously and still infuse joy into it. If you're not having fun launching, there's a solid chance your fear is running the show and making it all about you.
Some of my clients love the idea of treating their launch like a party, where they get to invite and host people they love to serve. When you're focused on having fun and infusing joy into your process, that energy will be palpable and even contagious to others. Release unnecessary pressure, and embrace curiosity and enthusiasm as you share your work. If you're not enjoying what you're doing, how can anyone else?
When you believe in your inevitable success, it's easier to enjoy the journey and view each individual launch as a stepping stone in that direction. True confidence is trusting your ability to handle whatever outcome happens. If you fail, you know you'll take the lessons, get back up, and do better next time. If you succeed (which I bet you will), you'll get to share that excited energy with the people you get to impact. Either way, you're on the right track.
Next time you have a launch coming up, ask yourself, “How would the most confident version of me approach this?” Trust that wisdom.
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